Digital Blasphemy: In Development
Great Wallpaper for your computers!!
Digital Blasphemy: In Development
Great Wallpaper for your computers!!
Godvertising – Church Signs � Play on words
Website of interesting church sign boards with slogans. Cute!
Marylaine Block: Writer, Internet Trainer
Some people just impress me. I don’t know this woman, but in a short read of her website I am so impressed I want everyone I know to know her. A librarian with much to share about the web and more.
I’m a Google freak, I hardly ever use anything else. But I’m always looking around and I stumbled on this handy .pdf file page that list four things you can use Yahoo search for that you can’t with Google.
Good info!
Todays wandering found this interesting (to me) science site of Bioscience even *I* can understand. – examines bioscience issues in biodiversity, environment, genomics, biotechnology, evolution, new frontiers in the sciences, and education. Includes peer-reviewed articles, class lessons, and educator resources.
We Americans forget we are not the only folks in the
world sometimes. That’s why this story about an international effort to
send a space sail off in a few months really hit me. I hadn’t heard
about this in US press.
In just a few months, beneath the surface of
the Barents Sea, a Russian nuclear submarine will launch a single Volna
missile, left over from the old Soviet arsenal. Instead of a voyage of
mass destruction, this rocket will be sent on a mission of hope for the
future of humankind. It will launch on its way Cosmos 1 the
first solar sail. It will be the culmination of a historic privately
funded international space venture utilizing groundbreaking new
…. People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.
* TagZilla 0.049
This is a post made from inside MozBlog, a small program run inside Mozilla to work with Blogger or other services much the way the Google toolbar will.
[From The Roots :: Pulling the Bush Out]
For the Democrat in me…
Just thought I’d add this, the Forum support for Pluck.
Pluck RSS Reader: Retrieve news from favorite sites While I personally like the online reader concept this program has real promise too!
It requires Win 2000 or better though, Win 98 is out of luck here.
Update: As the Internet grows there are way more changes than I can keep up with. But I have to say this great website is no more. I’ll have to find a replacement for this wonderful music they used to provide.
This has become a favorite Radio station of mine. I learned of it by chance from Bloglines I think.
It’s from Talkeetna Alaska and in addition to playing independant artist it’s website is interactive, you can give immediate feedback about artists and the music. Lots of fun!