Computer and Web Services
Digital Blasphemy: In Development Great Wallpaper for your computers!!
Godvertising – Church Signs � Play on words Website of interesting church sign boards with slogans. Cute!
Marylaine Block: Writer, Internet Trainer Some people just impress me. I don’t know this woman, but in a short read of her website I am so impressed I want everyone I know to know her. A librarian with much to share about the web and more.
I’m a Google freak, I hardly ever use anything else. But I’m always looking around and I stumbled on this handy .pdf file page that list four things you can use Yahoo search for that you can’t with Google. Good info! FourThingsFinal.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Todays wandering found this interesting (to me) science site of Bioscience even *I* can understand. – examines bioscience issues in biodiversity, environment, genomics, biotechnology, evolution, new frontiers in the sciences, and education. Includes peer-reviewed articles, class lessons, and educator resources.
We Americans forget we are not the only folks in the world sometimes. That’s why this story about an international effort to send a space sail off in a few months really hit me. I hadn’t heard about this in US press. In just a few months, beneath the surface of the Barents Sea,…
Now using MOZBLOG in Mozilla This is a post made from inside MozBlog, a small program run inside Mozilla to work with Blogger or other services much the way the Google toolbar will.
[From The Roots :: Pulling the Bush Out] For the Democrat in me…
Pluck Community Forums Just thought I’d add this, the Forum support for Pluck.
Pluck RSS Reader: Retrieve news from favorite sites While I personally like the online reader concept this program has real promise too! It requires Win 2000 or better though, Win 98 is out of luck here.
Update: As the Internet grows there are way more changes than I can keep up with. But I have to say this great website is no more. I’ll have to find a replacement for this wonderful music they used to provide. [Whole Wheat Radio – Home] This has become a favorite Radio station of mine.…