Tag: News

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    Good Grief! UK being PC…

    Ex-soldier faces jail for handing in gun Ex-soldier faces jail for handing in gunTuesday, November 17, 2009, 12:15 A former soldier who handed a discarded shotgun in to police faces at least five years imprisonment for “doing his duty”. Paul Clarke, 27, was found guilty of possessing a firearm at Guildford Crown Court on Tuesday…

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    To my friends who believe the ‘Liberal Media’ never reports good news…

    Armed Robbers Apologize to Army Reserve Victim – ABC News The 21-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee sophomore, who joined the Army Reserve a year ago, said he was walking home from work early Tuesday morning when four masked men forced him into an alley at gunpoint. After ordering him to the ground, the reservist said the…

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    Google Free 411

    Google Launches Free 411 Service When I was young directory assistance was free, a human, and very good. I used it a lot and maybe folks like me are why Ma Bell dumped it. But there is a good reason to keep information flow free and apparently Google agrees with me. What they have done…

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    Google Reader Upgrade

    Google Reader (100+) Today Google updated their page format of Google Reader. It now can look much more like Bloglines or Pluck in addition to its old style of display. Personnaly I think this is a great improvement once again making Google the big bully on the web, M$ is falling backward again. Consider this…

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    Using the Firefox Sidebar plugin to post

    This may not be the most interesting topic for many, but for those using WordPress and trying the plugins the Firefox Sidebar is a very handy tool to open the submission page for your WordPress in the sidebar of Firefox. Apparently it works fine in version 1.2 of WordPress but needs some editing to work…