Mozy Remote Backup: Free. Automatic. Secure.

Update: 2021-05-31

The Internet and computing is so dynamic, changing, and the post here from 2006 is now outdated. Mozy was scarfed up by Carbonite and the service receiving the most votes for best personal cloud backup is They have a great starter offer which I used for a year and found to be difficult to use. The current ‘Best Install and Run Software’ and cloud backup service now seems to be

Original post:————–

Mozy Remote Backup: Free. Automatic. Secure.

Backups, I’m guessing at least 80% of us are not backed up at all and a good part of the rest would find they lost ‘something’ if they had a hard disk crash right now.

I happened across this service and just started using them to see what I thought. So far, I’m impressed, and for the price, (2gigs free, 5gigs for $20/year and 10gigs for $30/year) it’s probably the best secure offer going for small users.

It requires Windows XP using NTFS drive format, it doesn’t work with 32bit FAT systems. I can’t use it on my wife’s Win2000 system or the Ubuntu Linux box.

It won’t look across my LAN system. (Thought I could take care of my wife that way.) It only works with local hard drives.

The install went very easily and it scans your drives and offers common groups of files to backup or you can select on your own. It will sit in the background and encrypt groups of files and upload them during your choice of times of system non-use times.

I’m impressed. Years ago there was a service called XDrive that had a free offering but it has gone to pay only and costs $10/month for 5gigs.

If you are interested in trying it they have a referral offering so use this link to signup and you’ll be helping me. 🙂


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