Category: General

  • Evergreen content


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    Evergreen content

    When adding content to your site make an effort to make it evergreen. That is to make it universally appealing across time not just a one moment spike of interest… From the Blog…

  • Backup, backup, backup!



    Backup, backup, backup!

    Include backups in your website planning Too often we need a backup before we made one, and it is too late. For your own machine an external drive may be just the thing. But to save yourself from total loss from flood, fire type disaster a cloud backup may be the thing. WordPress websites can…

  • Linux Mint Update


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    Linux Mint Update

    I consider myself a longtime novice Linux user.

  • Long Distance Support

    Long Distance Support

    I had an interesting job today.

  • Thunderbird E-mail



    Thunderbird E-mail

    Being modern means using social networks and new apps but we all seem to still have email.

  • Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor



    Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

    This post actually came with the new editor in WordPress. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t. What it says about the editor is exactly right, and if you use wordpress I recommend this new editor. The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple…

  • Remote Support with



    Remote Support with

    Most folks by now have had computer problems solved by having their uncle or primary grade niece help them out by connecting desktop screens with remote control. Teamviewer is probably the best known software for this process but there are many others. A new product for Webinars has this option for free (for 1:1 meetings)…

  • More Than Half of Websites Still Use PHP V5


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    More Than Half of Websites Still Use PHP V5

    Websites I host are all updated to version 7+ now, but many are using a PHP version that is going to be dropped at the end of the year.  If you have a website and don’t know if you are in trouble with this issue ask your host, or check your self. I recommend the…

  • My new (used) Chromebook

    My new (used) Chromebook

    It’s been two weeks now since I bought a Chromebook on Craigslist. I have thought about it for some time, one I had seen at my PC User group meeting looked like it might be useful. I was waiting to see one for less than $100 and a Samsung showed up and I bought it.…

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    Memorial Day 2015

    We joined the ranks of the fortunate, who’s child has returned from duty safely. Thank you Universe. 🙂  

  • by

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    As windows gets further from simple, Linux is becoming more viable for the “rest” of us. This is a simple way to make a bootable USB of Fedora or Sugar On A Stick for trying or installing these systems. If you use a computer a lot it is worth considering these options. Source: liveusb-creator

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    FDA issues new security guidelines so that your pacemaker won’t get hacked — TechCrunch

    This week, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a set of recommendations for securing medical devices that could jeopardize the safety and privacy of their users. The report, titled “Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices,” focuses on security throughout the lifecycle of a device, emphasizing that robust cybersecurity is an ongoing process that requires………